Monday, September 30, 2019

Is Higher Education Worth the Price Essay

When someone hears the term â€Å"higher education† the first thought tends to be college, of course. College has always been thought of as the one-way ticket to a high salary occupation. The reality of the situation is that while that may be true in some cases, it’s not as easy at it seems to receive that ticket aka the Bachelor’s degree. College tuition is a large amount and it’s even more expensive to attend college only to drop out. This leaves the student with no degree and vast amounts of debt. That debt is averaging 20,000 dollars for four years of schooling. Higher education is beneficial for anyone with the dedication to attending and knowing what they are striving for with while doing so. Achieving a Bachelor’s degree or a B. A. is a worthwhile goal for just about everyone. Why is it worth the time, effort and money to receive this diploma? Charles Murray in his article â€Å"Are Too Many People Going to College? † states, â€Å" Employers value the B. A. because it’s a no cost (for them) screening device for academic ability and perseverance† (pg. 233). The train of thought for employers is that the students with the drive and capabilities to succeed are the one’s that will attend college. This makes it close to impossible for a person with only a high school diploma to even be considered for a variety of jobs. Brian Kelly in his article â€Å"Is College Still Worth It? † has come across the same findings as Murray. He reports, â€Å" Hiring managers will tell you that creative intelligence and an ability to communicate are more useful in the long term. As a proven work ethic which is why persisting through four years of college is an admirable credential in itself† (pg. 8). College is supposed to teach a person how to think and work hard. That is something that any employer values greatly. The greater chance of a fulfilling career isn’t the only benefit to receiving a B. A. In 2007 the Census Bureau reported that the average college graduate had a yearly income of $57, 181 (Wilson pg. 260). The average high school graduate pulled in around $31, 286 yearly, leaving the college graduates earning around 80% more annually (pg. 260). Wilson also states that according to the Census Bureau the college graduate will earn around one million dollars more than the high school graduate (pg. 260). This is reason enough for many people to buckle down for the time it takes to earn his or hers degree. A fear for many is that the debt someone will leave college with will be unmanageable. The reasoning for this being unemployment rates as well as the fear of how long it will take to pay off his or hers debt. It’s true unemployment is a crisis that many are facing but it’s much scarier to be only a high school graduate in the economy currently. The rates of unemployment for a Bachelor’s degree holder over twenty-five is estimated to be around 4. 4% (Wilson pg. 260). For a high school diploma holder over twenty-five the unemployment rate is an even greater number at 9. 3% according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (pg. 260). As for paying off the debt accumulated in college, those figures aren’t as frightening. According to Sandy Baum, a senior analyst at College Board, â€Å"A student with twenty thousand dollars of debt should be able to make at least that amount in extra earnings in one to two year’s time simply by having earned a college diploma† (qtd. in Wilson). What is the key to unlocking the door for a brighter future? Apparently it’s a B. A. but if this is the case then why are dropout rates so high? When students are making the decisions to go to college, they are typically pushed to attend college rather than doing so out of free will. These students are the one’s that parents, teachers, and guidance counselors assume will succeed the most in that kind of environment. The truth is rather sad when it comes to how the students actually fared in their academic pursuit. Dana Goldstein in her article â€Å"Should All Kids Go to College? † informs that only fifty three percent of students actually finish their degree in four years, and half the students that attend a two-year college drop out before finishing. But this isn’t the only surprising information she writes about in her article. There is another group of students who unlike their peers, aren’t pushed as much into attending college. Kati Haycock, president of Think Tank Trust in Washington, DC, shocks with her statement of, Most schools sill resist the idea that all kids can and should be college-ready. By continuing long-standing practices of sorting and selecting, they created what is essentially an educational caste system- directing countless young people, especially low-income students and students of color, away from college-prep courses and from seeing themselves as ‘college material’ (qtd. n Goldstein). With these standards given in high schools these students pushed away from college will not ever think of themselves as able to perform well in a college environment, which greatly limits their future professionally. Goldstein shows in her article the research showing that with the decline of the manufacturing economy these students are the ones who would gain the most from the four-year college experience. The question is now, why are these students unable to realize their potential or stay focused in college? Most of the time these teenagers are unable to say what they want to do with their careers or lives. Going to college isn’t easy for anyone without a clear idea of what their striving for, which makes the entire experience even more frustrating for them. So how can these students go into college somewhat knowing what they want to do with their time there? The best solution is to allow these teenagers to explore the professional world while still in high school. If they can do that, then they won’t spend extra time or money changing their majors all throughout college unable to decide what their desires are. There is a program that has been implemented in a few schools across the nation called Career and Technical Education or CTE (Goldstein). These programs integrate school with real world occupational training so that students can have hands on experience with a job that they would like to pursue in college. The training available to these students includes internships, dual enrollment and hands on work out in the field (Goldstein). All of this is done while in high school accomplishing their high school diploma and getting a head start on college. Programs like the previous are great ideas that the government has been using to help these students struggling find their goals. It may be a while until these CTE schools are seen more but at least the students able to take advantage of them are showing the country how beneficial the programs are. With ideas like this, it is possible to cut down on the money and time wasted during college for someone who isn’t positive they would like to be there. It also allows the students who are judged due to unfair standards to prove that they are college material and able to do great things. There would be less wondering about whether or not they want to attend college because they have experience with the career of their choosing and are able to map out their future much more clearly. Overall the idea is yes, higher education is worth the price. The Bachelor’s degree alone can take someone to higher levels than just a high school diploma. College is costly, it is time consuming, and it is hard but when someone is dedicated it becomes increasingly easier. The solutions to making college more achievable for everyone isn’t ever going to be easy but there are steps that can be taken in the right direction. As long as students aren’t discriminated against or pushed into something they are unsure of, when the time is right for them to attend college they will do so in a way that will benefit them the most. Add in programs like the Career and Technical Education schooling and these students can come out on top ready for the work force. Higher education may not be for everyone, but for the people who do take the challenge reap benefits for the rest of his or hers lives.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

My Room

The wall is cream colored. There are all sort of modern facilities in my room what makes it very comfortable to live. There is a double size bed in the left corner of the room which is made by wood and it is very comfortable to sleep on it. There is lamp beside my bed and a sofa as well. My room has got a big window. It looks so beautiful when light comes through the window in my room during the morning and twilight. There is a reading table with chair Just under the window.I put all of my necessary things for study on this table. I also put my personal computer on it. Beside my table, there is a nice wardrobe where I keep my clothes and valuable things. It has got a big mirror on the cover. There are a good numbers of pictures of my family and friends hung on the wall. When I feel depressed, I take a look on these pictures to make my mind happy and cheerful. All pictures are neatly placed in their proper spots In a collage. My room has got a balcony too.I have a sliding glass door g oing out to my balcony. The view from my balcony is really amazing. I usually go there before the sun set and like to see the beauty of nature. I can see the road opposite of our apartment from the balcony. There is a rocking chair in my balcony. It gives me amazing feelings when I sit on my rocking chair and take breath from cool breeze. I always like to keep my room neat and clean. All of these In my room make me very comfortable and relax. I love my room very much. My Room The wall is cream colored. There are all sort of modern facilities in my room what makes it very comfortable to live. There is a double size bed in the left corner of the room which is made by wood and it is very comfortable to sleep on it. There is lamp beside my bed and a sofa as well. My room has got a big window. It looks so beautiful when light comes through the window in my room during the morning and twilight. There is a reading table with chair Just under the window.I put all of my necessary things for study on this table. I also put my personal computer on it. Beside my table, there is a nice wardrobe where I keep my clothes and valuable things. It has got a big mirror on the cover. There are a good numbers of pictures of my family and friends hung on the wall. When I feel depressed, I take a look on these pictures to make my mind happy and cheerful. All pictures are neatly placed in their proper spots In a collage. My room has got a balcony too.I have a sliding glass door g oing out to my balcony. The view from my balcony is really amazing. I usually go there before the sun set and like to see the beauty of nature. I can see the road opposite of our apartment from the balcony. There is a rocking chair in my balcony. It gives me amazing feelings when I sit on my rocking chair and take breath from cool breeze. I always like to keep my room neat and clean. All of these In my room make me very comfortable and relax. I love my room very much. My Room The wall is cream colored. There are all sort of modern facilities in my room what makes it very comfortable to live. There is a double size bed in the left corner of the room which is made by wood and it is very comfortable to sleep on it. There is lamp beside my bed and a sofa as well. My room has got a big window. It looks so beautiful when light comes through the window in my room during the morning and twilight. There is a reading table with chair Just under the window.I put all of my necessary things for study on this table. I also put my personal computer on it. Beside my table, there is a nice wardrobe where I keep my clothes and valuable things. It has got a big mirror on the cover. There are a good numbers of pictures of my family and friends hung on the wall. When I feel depressed, I take a look on these pictures to make my mind happy and cheerful. All pictures are neatly placed in their proper spots In a collage. My room has got a balcony too.I have a sliding glass door g oing out to my balcony. The view from my balcony is really amazing. I usually go there before the sun set and like to see the beauty of nature. I can see the road opposite of our apartment from the balcony. There is a rocking chair in my balcony. It gives me amazing feelings when I sit on my rocking chair and take breath from cool breeze. I always like to keep my room neat and clean. All of these In my room make me very comfortable and relax. I love my room very much.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Economic Development of China Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 11750 words

Economic Development of China - Dissertation Example Nellis (1999) contends that the effectiveness of privatization in transitional economies depends on the existence of the institutional underpinnings of capitalism. In addition, empirical studies confirm the close relationship between good institutions and economic development (De Long and Shleifer, 1993), Besley, 1995; Knack and Keefer, 1995; Easterly and Levine, 1997, 2003; Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson, 2001). On the other hand, Stiglitz (1999) suggests that using "better management contracts" to make state-share holders act like private owners is a better choice in the absence of those institutional underpinnings, a path which has been followed by the Chinese government in the past two decades. As noted in World Bank (1997) report, "most other countries in transition have turned to systemic, widespread privatization of state owned enterprises" (SOEs). In China, the state or its agents, carry out 'shareholder' functions performed by private owners in market economic systems." Retaining a large portion of state-owned shares in listed companies1, the Chinese government delegates different types of state-share holders to control these state-owned shares. This thesis attempts to examine the governance role of different types of state-share holders in China's listed companies. China's transition from a central-planned economy to a market-oriented one is special and unique. Chinese government creates its own path of transition rather than just using a "blueprint" or "recipe" from western advisors. Chinese government has been always attempting to privatize its state-owned assets gradually rather than a "big bang" like that undertaken by Russia... The interpretation of the results of this study is subject to four limitations. First, the classification of state-share holders based on their names is not good enough to distinguish GA shareholders and corporate state-share holders perfectly. For example, most state assets operating companies use the name of "State Assets Operating Company", such as "Jiangsu State Assets Operating Company". But some operating companies, which should be classified as GA shareholders, could use other names and then are classified as corporate state-share holders in this study. Second, corporate state-share holders could have more incentives and means to manage earnings to improve performance through related-party transactions than GA shareholders because they are holding companies (Jian (2003)). In this study, the potential earnings management through non-operating activities found in Chen and Yuan (2002), such as sales of fixed assets, has been controlled but the earnings management through related-party transactions cannot be controlled. This study also suggests several avenues for future research. While the benefit of corporate state-share holders has been documented in this study, the cost of them (such as insider control problems) cannot be ignored and remains an open question. More theoretical work is needed to understand the benefit and cost of different types of state-share holders. Another potential area of research is to investigate their incentives to manage earnings for different types of state-share holders.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Environmental analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Environmental analysis - Essay Example The rates used to charges in maintain and securing a website should be reduced and some information limited for the benefit of the hotels in Australia. Increasing overseas arrivals as threats result to struggling of negligible number of customers worldwide, a factor that leads to reduction of market share. Overseas countries offer cheap and incredible hotel services with the intention of scrambling for customers globally; hence, increasing competition. (Todd & Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2008). The international organization in charge of hotels should endorse fair competition by setting a standard price for services offered in hotels globally. The policy will limit the chances of hotels offering extremely lower prices, which spoils business for other hotels globally, especially Australia. High GDP in Australia affects hotel industry negatively since the hotels have to pay additional taxes to the government to raise the capital to pay the debts (Faeth, 2010). Consequently, the annual income for the hotels is reduced by a big percentage exceptionally. Australia government should maintain high economic levels and avoid having debts that by ensuring that pay according to the initial agreement. This reduces the chances of hotels paying extra taxes to raise money for debts. High exchange rate frightens potential investors interested in Hotel industry. It is expensive to invest in the business, for example, constructing of international hotels in the country. Moreover, clients, especially visitors, find travelling costly because of the expensive fare. Domestic clients are forced to seek cheap services oversees. High exchange rate has caused unemployment and limitation in getting sufficient services from hotels, which are supposed to satisfy them (Sharma, 2005). Australia’s government should trade their dollar attractively to draw international

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A Report of Community Engagement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Report of Community Engagement - Essay Example For anyone who has never experienced a Relay for Life event, it is an amazing event that allows for people to come together who have in some way been touched by cancer. There is not one single person who has not been somehow directly or indirectly been affected by cancer. This event allows for people to come in to celebrate the lives of the survivors who have fought cancer and to remember the loved ones who have lost the battle. Money is raised for Relay for Life prior to the event and during it with all types of activities. In this case, I was a member of a team for Relay for Life and for each team, one person is supposed to walk around the track at all times during the 24 hour long event. By doing this event, I felt as if I was able to give back by both raising money and by contributing my time to help raise awareness about cancer. I participated in this event because I felt a tie to it and a need to feel the social responsibility. Since cancer affects so many people that I have kn own in my lifetime, it only seemed like the best way to try to commemorate how they impacted my life, not just during their lives, but unfortunately, at the time of their deaths as well. There was not a single part of me that did not want to somehow give back.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Heart of Darkness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Heart of Darkness - Essay Example At this point the fact to be admitted is that when Joseph Conrad wrote Heart of Darkness, and even at the time presented in the story, the British colonial empire was at its zenith. It enjoyed colonies in Hong Kong, Malaya, India, and Africa. On the one hand, the work allows the reader to look into Congo through the eyes of an imperialist. For example, the very beginning of the novel points out that Thames is â€Å"a waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth† (Conrad 6). Thus, some critics argue that this point itself reveals how racist Joseph Conrad is. However, the mere fact is that the novel puts forward the message that even the notion of civilization is an illusion. To illustrate: for Marlow, reaching Congo is a realization of the hollowness of his own notion of civilization. He fails to understand why the cannibals employed on his ship should not eat the other passengers (Conrad 57). Also, he feels that the cannibals possess no morality and conscience so that t hey can control their own basic animal desires. However, in the same situation, Marlow reaches the conclusion that the people along with him on the ship must not look so appetizing. It is ironic here to note that the same civilized Marlow who believes that the cannibals have no moral values proves that if he were in the position of the Africans, he would do the same, too. In other words, Conrad effectively portrays that the concept of civilization and enlightenment are rather superficial in nature. Despite the so-called civility, there is an underlying beast in humans that just comes out in the right circumstances. In other words, in the case of Marlow, the trip to Africa made him understand the basic animal-like tendencies in humans that thrive in the wild. Also, he realizes the fact that the civility the Europeans try to introduce in the wild is rather phony in nature because the cruelties of the wild are not crueler than the cruelties of imperialism. Admittedly, one cannot deny t he fact that Conrad was an imperialist. It becomes evident from the fact that Marlow is highly careful to ensure that he does not fall prey to the charms of the wild as happened to Kurtz. While Kurtz admitted the rules of the wild, Marlow is not ready to descend into that darkness. Thus, one gets the insight that instead of rejecting Western culture and ideals, the purpose of Conrad is to point out that most of the time; the Western society is not functioning in the way it is supposed to function. In other words, the Western ideals fail to perform in a more human way than the ideals of the savages. Another perfect example is the way the slaves are treated by the West. He says â€Å"they were dying slowly---it was very clear. They were not enemies, they were not criminals, they were nothing earthly now† (Conrad 42). Again, one has to remember the fact that Conrad resorted to such a statement at a time when imperialism was at the zenith of its power around the world. Though it is possible for critics to claim that one can find fragments of imperialist ideologies in the work of Conrad, they cannot forget the fact that Conrad expresses in clear terms as to how ones morality and conscience will condemn the savagery committed by European imperialism as much as one condemns the savagery of the wild. Here, one gains the insight that Marlow - the conscience of Conrad - is in constant conflict with the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ethical consideration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical consideration - Essay Example se is, to have a correct ethical decision such that the resources of the foundation will not be put to waste and that the employee will be compensated accordingly. If I were to make a decision, I would look for the average market value or the average compensation given to major gifts officers of various foundations like ours and base the compensation that we will give, if there is no existing policy or rule in the foundation. To avoid the scenario where the employee will not be able to do the job is a little more difficult to ensure but this will not be dealt with using the commission option. Instead, he will be subject to a quarterly review against the set objectives/goals and his performance will be the basis for renewing his services or not. In this case, proper compensation is given and the objective to generate funds will be ensured because of the performance review. Government officials are prohibited to accept gifts because of various sources one being the fact that they may affect the decisions of the officials especially when the giver is currently transacting a business with the government office to which the official is connected. An extensive do’s and don’ts are listed along with the conditions is put forth by the US Department Ethics Office (1999) which can be made as basis for making my decision on what to do with the other $25,000 given to me along with the other $25,000 for the foundation. One condition in the ethics pamphlet states that the gift may be received provided that the act of giving is prompted by personal relations, such as friendship. In this case, my friendship with Jones for 15 years has probably prompted him to send me such gift, considering that he has no family and probably limited friends. Initially, I would gladly accept the gift and look at it as a token of gratitude. In the first place, I know that there is probably no string attached to his gift being the fact that we have known each other for more than a decade

Monday, September 23, 2019

Paintings of Paul klee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Paintings of Paul klee - Essay Example There are two major conspicuous colours used in this painting; to begin with, there is the use of red colour and grey colour. In addition, it is evident that there is a picture of a lady who is probably surrounded by some birds and some flying images, which can be interpreted as spirits. On the other hand, there is a red colour at the bottom of the painting indicating direction. It is quite challenging to have a conclusive idea of the information expressed by other red colours in the painting. This is another great piece of art work painted by Paul Glee in 1921; it is quite obvious that the information expressed in this painting. In relation to the spatial analysis of the painting, the images appear to occupy the central part of the frame which measures 305mm by 454mm. There is also two major colours that are conspicuous in the painting; white and grey. Moreover, there seem to be only one painting of a man surrounded by what appears to be animals. Additionally, there is no conflict o f colours, they properly match the intentions of the artist and expresses a scenario that attempts to depict a man on a theatrical stage. That is, there is proper use of colours hence indicating a proper colour harmony. In relation to the intention of the painter of the information expressed by the painter, there seem to a series of comic actions occurring in the scenario expressed; to begin with, the man in the painting is surrounded by what appears to be birds, dressed in skirts. Moreover, the man is the painting does not have arms.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A business innovation which has brought to life a product (good or Essay

A business innovation which has brought to life a product (good or service) - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that 3D printing is one of the most celebrated business innovations that continue to influence the manufacturing and production industry. Chuck Hull of 3D Systems Corp created the original 3D printer in 1984. Also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing is business and technological innovation that encompasses the process of making a three-dimensional solid product of any shape using a digital model. Indeed, 3D printing is a huge versatile and rapid process that accommodates the geometry of varying complexity in variant applications and supporting many types of materials. The 3D printers operate at resounding speeds, extremely low costs, and within a wide range of applications. The 3D printing innovation applies in the commercial sector where manufacturers use it to produce early concept models and product prototypes for business purposes. The 3D printing case is relevant in the context of digital economies since it allows for the prod uction of early concept models and product prototypes. Moreover, 3D printing applies in distributed manufacturing where it has applications in various fields including health, fashion, architecture, education, engineering, and aerospace among other fields. Additionally, products manufactured through 3D printing are applicable anywhere in the product lifecycle. To achieve 3D printing, innovators used an additive process, where successive layers of material adopt different shapes.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Two Kinds Essay Example for Free

Two Kinds Essay â€Å"Two Kinds† is set in modern United States and basically involves two main characters of Chinese descent Jing-mei and her mother.   In the story, Jing-mei, a young Chinese-American portrayed her mother as an overbearing and demanding woman who constantly tried to groom her daughter to pursue a life destined for fame- either as a talented young actress, a genius in geography, or a musical prodigy (Your Faxed Readings, p. 180-182). Jing-mei did not quite understand at first how her mother could persistently force upon her a future she did not want to have any part of.    She struggled against her mother’s will, not fully comprehending the reasons why her mother wanted her to be more than what she thought she was. As it was later on revealed in the story, her mother’s ways and beliefs rooted from the tragedies she encountered in her life before she came to America. Jing-meis mother went through terrible times in China. She lost her babies and had to struggle to be able to reach the â€Å"land of milk and honey. Reaching a new and prosperous land enabled her to start over, and she acquired a renewed sense of hope, along with the belief that in America, you can be all you want to be:   Ã¢â‚¬Å"My mother believed you could be anything you wanted to be in America. You could open a restaurant. You could work for the government and get good retirement. You could buy a house with almost no money down. You could become rich. You could become instantly famous.Of course, you can be a prodigy, too,; my mother told me when I was nine.† (p. 180) The story goes on to expound on the mother’s past and her subsequent actions that affected her American-raised daughter. The story shows that after hurdling through obstacles in life, Jing Mei’s mother probably realized that anything was possible. Hers was a character who believed that if she went through hell in China but still made it to America then anything was possible, especially for a child raised in this land abounding in prosperity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Looking at it from this perspective, one could surmise that this explained why, as portrayed in the story, she was overbearing and appeared to expect a lot from her daughter.   Her expectations stemmed from what she had acquired from her surviving her misfortunes. As a mother who went through great adversity in life, she could not help but have high expectations for a daughter to whom she had afforded countless opportunities by raising her in America. With her daughter’s resistance to obey, she felt that Jing-mei was not taking full advantage of the opportunities that were made available to her: â€Å"My mother slapped me.†Who ask you to be genius? she shouted. Only ask you be your best. For you sake. You think I want you to be genius? Hnnh! What for! Who ask you! So ungrateful, I heard her mutter in Chinese, If she had as much talent as she has temper, shed be famous now.† (p. 183) It is evident in these lines that the mother was disappointed with Jing-mei. It seemed to her that her daughter was being unappreciative of everything that had been made available for her. On the other hand, the character of Jing-mei was portrayed as a stubborn and willful child. Jing-meis determination not to be what her mother wants her to be stems from her resolve not to let her mother change her. â€Å"And then I saw what seemed to be the prodigy side of me a face I had never seen before. I looked at my reflection, blinking so that I could see more clearly. The girl staring back at me was angry, powerful. She and I were the same. I had new thoughts, willful thoughts or rather, thoughts filled with lots of wonts. I wont let her change me, I promised myself. I wont be what Im not.† (p. 181-182) From these lines Jing-mei’s character is reflected as someone who often stated that she wanted to be who she is and who vehemently refused to be someone she was not. Although   later on she recognized that she could have been great if she did try to be,   the story further showed that till the end of that part of her childhood, she was determined not to (p. 183). â€Å"Two Kinds† is one of the multitudes of stories from Amy Tan’s â€Å"The Joy Luck Club†. Essentially, it deals with the dynamics of  Ã‚   the relationship between mothers and daughters. It gives a fresh perspective about the complexities of such kinship in the eyes of Chinese immigrants in an American Society. It deals with cultural differences and generation gaps, as well as the issue of establishing identity. This short story can be dissected into several areas of interest, all rich in symbolism. It reflects society in various levels of human interaction. While the plot of the story circles around the struggle between Jing-mei and her mother, a one may derive a deeper conflict, aside from the prima facie squabble between the mother and the daughter, that exists within it, comparable to one that is in society. If one looks closely, the mothers character represents individuals who believe that the past can be buried and forgotten once success is achieved. She represents the people who struggle everyday to overcome the ghosts of the past in order to provide for the future. The mother also stands for the people who are trying to compensate for things left undone or mistakes committed. Though their intentions may be good, there is a point where their zealousness in making up for the past becomes a burden that shackles them to what they are trying to escape. Meanwhile, Jing-meis character represents individuals who are in constant journey to find their identities amidst influential forces. It alludes to people caught between two cultures in two different time zones. Jing Mei also represents the young who, at a trying stage in their life, have to cope with the added responsibility of bridging the cultural gap between immigrant parents in modern-day America. On the other hand, the dynamics of the relationship between Jing-Mei and her mother represent the perennial and unavoidable conflicts between parents and their children. It speaks of expectations, of disappointment, of pride, of hurt and of differences and of finding one’s own identity. It reminds readers   how one can never pick his kin and though it may become an uphill battle, what matters is that one learns to accept the family he is given, for who they are. Furthermore, in a very subtle but compelling way, â€Å"Two Kinds†   also urges its readers to think about their past and where they are heading .This story prompts one to look at things in perspective find a way to come to terms with the past, be thankful of the present and look forward to the future with optimism. That being said, â€Å"Two Kinds†, with the infusion of literary brilliance, creativity and true-to-life experiences† has proved to be a true testament of Amy Tans artistic brilliance- both for its literary content and social reflection. This story is but, one of a kind. Works Cited Tan, Amy. â€Å"Two Kinds.† Title of the book of your faxed readings. Location: Publisher, Year Published. pages 180-187.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Text Messaging Affects Language Skills English Language Essay

Text Messaging Affects Language Skills English Language Essay In recent years, there has been an enormous increase in the relativity of using cell phones to communicate. Cell phones have become the fundamental components of family life, especially for most teenagers. Appearance of unlimited texting plans offered by phone companies like Sprint, T-mobile and Verizon, texting is becoming hard to resist. IYO TXTng = Gd 4 or NME of Lang? (Text Message Dictionary) If you cannot understand the previous sentence, then you are most likely are not aware of the language of the text messaging. Who are the originators of this language? The answer is most of the teenagers in the modern society. The translation for the vague sentence above is: In your opinion, is texting good for or the enemy of language? Text messaging has provided our society with a quick means through which to communicate. It has taken out the need for capitalization, punctuation and the use and knowledge of sentence structure. However, this recent form of communication has become so promi nent that some educationists worry that it may be damaging teens literacy skills. Others, however, believe that teenagers are making their own language in the modern society and see no effect on their students language skills. I think that the one way text messaging affects language skills is that it leads to the downfall of communication. It aids the lack of intellect and flow of logic that humans possess when communicating with another human being. When I was in a McDonalds couple of days ago, I observed something that disturbed me; it also annoyed me a bit and this had to do with communication skills and texting. A table in a corner across from when I and friend were seated, there were three young people, ages that I can guess to be around 16. They each ordered drinks and French fries and they all had cell phones held in their hands. Couples had ear buds in their ears and probably listening to music that they enjoyed. They shake back and forth around in their seats to the beat when they were listening to their music and texting on their mobile phones. Every couple of seconds, one of them would eat fries and slurp his drink and they were all texting. They were seemingly texting each other from the snickering laugh and pokes I observed yet they were all sitting right there at the same table. The thing that irritated me the most was that there was literally no verbal conversation other than a casual grunt. Their communication was done on their cell phone with no face to face conversation with their friends who were sitting next to each other. Are we losing our ability to truly communicate or, use voices? When you are sitting at the same same table why werent you talking? Texting is not talking. Most teenagers in this society dont talk to other people face to face. There is no verbal communication. It is hard to make sense of the language because there is no tone, no expression, no feeling, no body language and it is easy to text about some issues rather than talk face to face. It is also easy to apprehend into a conversation which is not really there and make wrong conclusions, without fully understanding what is being communicated. I know people who not only freak out about having to give a public speech, but who worry about having a face-to-face conversation. Its a bit ridiculous. Texting lingo has already spread to speech, social networking sites and other areas of writing. Shorthand phrases such as LOL and OMG first appeared in messaging forums and transferred smoothly into text lingo. The same thing is happening in reverse. This is not a complication when youre texting or emailing your friends, but young people dont understand that you cant write LOL into an email to your boss. As American University linguistics professor Naomi Baron states, So much of American society has become sloppy or laissez faire about the mechanics of writing (Hauck). I agree with her. Check any popular forum and see for yourself what the bloodbath of spelling and grammar looks like. So when we are not forced to write out words, the rules of our language arent enforced. Recent research seems to support that texting has an adverse impact on peoples linguistic ability. Drew Cingle and S. Shyam Sundar conducted research at Penn State University. They published their research in the professional journal,  New Media and Society.  Both authors argued that the students who write in techspeak used shorthand phrases, homophones, essential and nonessential letters to compose a text message. They thought that writing in techspeak would prevent persons ability to go from techspeak to normal rules of grammar. They did research to find if text messaging affected students grammar skills. Based on their data from over 500 students from middle school, they concluded there is evidence of a decline in grammar scores. Cingle gives reader personal example from his two younger nieces. He indicates that their text messages were incomprehensible and that he had ask them what they were trying to get out of that message. The message was incomprehensible because the use o f shortcuts, he said (Cingle Sundar). Joan Lee did another study to find the impact of texting on language skills. She conducted her study for her masters thesis in linguistics. Based on her data, her results proved that the students who texted more were less open to new terminology. Her results also proved that students who read media were more open to expanding their vocabulary. Our assumption about texting is that it encourages unconstrained language, Lee argues, but the study found this to be a myth. Lee argues that reading print media exposes people to variety and  creativity  in language that is not found in text messaging used among youth (Lee). I think persons vocabulary expands upon first using communication device due to some unique words used in texting. However, the terminology size levels off as the person knows most of the words that are unique to texting. After that, the person will use same group of vocabulary over and over again. Lastly, teenagers in this society dont know exactly what listening is. They may look like they are listening, but things are going in one ear and right out the other. College students who frequently text message during class have difficulty staying attentive to classroom lectures and consequently are at risk of having poor results, according to a study by Fan-Yi Flora Wei, and his two colleagues Ken Wang and Michael Klaussner. They published their study in the journal  Communication  Education. They concluded that most college students believe they are capable of performing multitasking behaviors, such as texting during their classroom learning, but research does not support that proposition (Wei). Do I think text messaging is a bad thing? No, of course not, it is a good thing and certainly has a place in todays computer age society in a many different ways, it can even help to keep us safe and protect us but when do not use it properly, as it was meant to be used, it depletes our writing skills, cripples our communication skills, and has a negative impact on the other language skills as well. When we let computer age technology, texting become our obsession and allow it to take over our life to such an extent that we lose all our other living and language skills it becomes as dangerous as a gun in the wrong hands.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay examples --

Basis Risk As discussed, Metallgesellschaft AG made use of the ‘stack and roll’ hedge strategy. This strategy brought about basis risk, the risk of no direct relationship between movements in the futures market and movements in the longer maturity contract. What Went Wrong? In 1993, oil prices began to plunge because of a bearish market signal. The value of the futures purchased decreased drastically and the market reversed from backwardation to contango. From Backwardation to Contango Another issue, which compounded MG’s problems, was the shift of the oil market from normal backwardation to contango. Refer to Figure I for a better understanding of these concepts. In normal backwardation, the strategy worked fine, however the contango market created losses that were unrecoverable and the longer the market stayed in contango, the losses continued to accumulate on the rollover. Had the market stayed in normal backwardation, MGRM hedging strategy would have been highly profitable, making a gain on all rollovers. MGRM’s main undoing was that the rollover loss was unrecoverable and not offset by another position. Although the contango market was not the only cause for MGRM problems, it did help to compound the cash flow crunch of the company. The main people responsible of such losses will be discussed later. The Company’s advisor, Deutsche Bank, convinced Metallgesellschaft AG to close all positions, taking $1.5 billion in losses, with the aim to prevent additional losses. As can be seen from the Figure II below, Deutsche Bank should have been calmer as the market rebounded with oil prices starting to soar in 1994, an increase of about $8 dollars per barrel in few months. This increase would have highly benefited the MGRM... ...vernance Metallgesellschaft AG should have ensured that the parent company’s traders and MGRM’s employees worked on behalf of the shareholders’ interests. Instead of undertaking a reasonable hedging strategy, Metallgesellschaft AG traders were motivated by big bonuses opportunities, resulting in a more reckless speculative strategy and as a result developing the company into a financial intermediary. Their users, such as employees, creditors, and supervisors, had to fully understand the purpose of the hedging strategy. This was highly important since the hedging program should not be separable from the business strategy. Conclusion To conclude, the main motive of the losses sustained was the minimal study made on the hedging strategy before adoption. Metallgesellschaft AG should have thoroughly analysed the market before entering into such a big hedging program.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Asset Valuation Paper :: Business Accounting

Asset Valuation Accounting for Managerial Decision-Making Introduction To start a new business and remain in business profitably, many critical decisions must be made when the foundation of a new business is formed. These decisions affect the company in the long run and often make or break an organization. Methods of inventory control and capitalization policies are among these critical decisions that will affect any business bottom line. Our team has investigated these policies and will present our recommendation for the method of inventory and capitalization policy for the XYZ Mattress Store in the remainder of this paper. Inventory Policy Selecting the valuation method for reporting and valuing is based on key issues relating to the relevance and reliability of the method of accounting for that item. According to (2005) "how you identify items in inventory and determine which have been sold will depend on the nature of the products, the volume of the products, how they are tracked, and inventory rotation." Key factors to consider under the inventory policy are: location of storage facilities, temperature, security, rotation of stock, cost, training, periodic inventories, and control. (2005) wrote: "Valuing a startup is intrinsically different from valuing established companies. Because of the high level of risk and often little or no revenues, traditional quantitative valuation methods like (P/E) per-share earnings comparables or discounting free cash flows are of little use. Startup valuations are largely determined based on qualitative attributes." To select an inventory valuation method, the options are FIFO, LIFO and Weighted Average. The valuation method for (FIFO) First-in, first out: (2005) defines this as a "common method for recording the value of inventory. It is appropriate where there are many different batches of similar products." This method describes the first item coming in will be the first item going out of the inventory. (2005) wrote "cost flow assumption assumes that the oldest inventory is sold first. The ending balance of inventory is valued at the most recent purchase price. FIFO produces a more relevant balance sheet since the ending balance in inventory reflects its current value." An example of this would be: Ending balance in inventory would be 30 units of the most recent purchases. 30 x 300=9,000 E/B = 9,000.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Essay --

What exactly is a hipster? defines one as "a person, especially during the 1950s, characterized by a particularly strong sense of alienation from most established social activities and relationships". Throughout history, there have always been droves of individuals who choose to be nonconformists. This is a lifestyle that labels such people as outcasts, hippies and beatniks. Those who are labeled as such endure a rough lifestyle, whether it is living in nature or perhaps walking the streets as a vagabond. These people live by complex philosophies, but to what purpose? I’m fascinated by the fact that they experience discrimination and ridicule, but choose to keep living with it. So exactly what is the appeal to counterculture? What is it about modern society and the mainstream that causes these people to ostracize themselves and announce their individualism? That’s what I hope to find out. I decided to track back to the roots of counter culturist movements. I discovered that after World War II, the nation’s economy boomed and fear began to grow over the growing nuclear arms race. Concern about the future led many young people to become more active in social causes, from the civil rights movement to President Kennedys Peace Corps. This generation was known as the beat movement, it defined an ideology for disaffected, rebellious youth of that decade. Due to the economic boom, many people could afford to go to college and enrollment rose from 3.1 million to almost 5 million. Protest began to rage across the country. The beat movement led to many new youth culture movement in the coming years, such as hippie culture. The hippies represented a rebellion against mass culture in the U.S. They rejected traditional values an... ...ed to hold their own place in history and be known for fixing an issue or perhaps toppling the government in their own obscure fashion. I believe that growing numbers of non-conformists happens to be ironic and an entirely different situation on its own, but perhaps it’s for a more personal reason. Looking at history up to now, one would address my earlier conjecture, who would want to put themselves through hell and ridicule, most likely knowing that they cannot cause upheaval alone? I believe that it is due to the fact that none of these people are comfortable being mixed into a crowd. They strongly look towards transcendentalism to individualize themselves. The youth doesn’t want to be labeled as a just another number. They want to feel important and be their own person. Riots and violent protests might not be the most orthodox solution, but it sure is effective.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Analysis of Subways internal and external environments Essay

This essay will analyse the organisation Subway’s internal and external environments and their impacts on this organisation. This will include a swot analysis on resources and capabilities which are a part of the internal environment and on customers, suppliers, competitors, pressure groups, economic, political, technological, natural environment and emerging trends in the external environment. â€Å"A SWOT Analysis is a useful technique for understanding your Strengths and Weaknesses, and for identifying both the Opportunities open to you and the Threats you face† MindTools. com (2013). Internal environment Resources: 1. The Workforce Strengths – Subway restaurants operate out of over 36,000 locations in 99 different countries. Subway is an equal opportunity employer, where every employee can be assured that they will be treated with respect and not be discriminated or harassed for any reason. They continuously provide employees with training and encouragement through teamwork, against shared goals and benchmarks and to be accountable for their actions. Weaknesses – Many subway employees are younger generations and are particularly inexperienced in the workplace. This can be a weakness for subway as this younger group of employees have other priorities such as school/university which can make it difficult when creating the roster for shifts and being unskilled can cause delays in service and not properly organised meals going to the customers. Opportunities – Subway has the opportunity to train their unskilled employees in a way that suits them and is in line with the organisation’s goals. Threats – Subway’s direct competition offer similar workplace conditions and environments which can be a threat to Subway by these companies attracting higher skilled workers in the industry away from Subway. 2. Capital Availability Strengths – As Subway is operated as franchises, the overall company has a large amount of capital coming in from the franchises. Subway (2013) states â€Å"The SUBWAY ® chain’s start up costs are exceptionally low for a franchise of its size and stature. Total investment will depend on many factors, including location, rent, outlet size and equipment†. Weaknesses – There are many economic conditions, such as unemployment that contribute to weaknesses concerning Subway’s capital. Combine these economic issues with poor marketing strategies and it can affect the capital dramatically. For example the new â€Å"$5 Combo Deal† that they are offering, has resulted in a decrease in sales, as the average customer is now spending less money per purchase. Opportunities – Start-up costs of the franchises is low compared to similar organisations, it makes Subway more appealing to potential owners, there for encouraging more people to purchase a Subway franchise which will increase the capital of the overall company. Threats – Economic issues such as the Global Financial Crisis, unemployment and inflation can cause a threat to subway from opening more stores, which in turn affects their available capital. Capabilities: 1. Marketing Strengths – â€Å"Eat Fresh, Live Green† is Subway’s commitment to making a positive impact in all that they do. This is very appealing to consumers, as Subway’s beliefs and values are in line with theirs. Subway restaurants are also navigating the world of online social media to bring their message closer to consumers. Subway is experienced in international marketing. Weaknesses – Subway restaurants lack the interior design and quality that would welcome everyone to stay and feel more comfortable than in the competitor’s restaurants Opportunities – Subway employs superior marketing techniques and promotional strategies to attract and grow their customer base. The most successful Subway’s promotional offer was to offer footlongs for only $5. Threats – Subway runs the risk of decreasing their client base if they fail to meet consumers’ wants and needs if continuous innovation and new processes are not being developed and used. 2. Production Strengths – Restaurants are clean and maintained. Preparation goes into getting the food ready to be served so quickly before, after and during store hours – veggies need to be washed, diced, sliced and stored. All of this preparation contributes to the productivity of the store. Without these steps, the restaurant would not run efficiently. Weaknesses – Old equipment that is no longer working at its best and staff not being available to work can be weaknesses in the production process. Opportunities – Focusing their sustainability initiatives on energy efficiency, water & resource conservation, waste reduction, sustainable sourcing and supply chain management. Threats – Equipment failure and power outages are a huge threat to Subway concerning production. If either of these occur the Subway store would not be able to operate or produce any products. 3. Research and Development Strengths – Develops and test markets the food that they serve, making sure it is of high standards and quality. Weaknesses – The markets are constantly changing and they cannot always source produce from the same suppliers. Research needs to be done constantly and they do not always have the resources to do so, Opportunities – Do customer surveys in different demographic areas to provide what those areas are in demand for. Threats – Data recorded may be incorrect depending on what type of information they require and can come from unreliable sources. 4. Financial Management Strengths – Subway’s finance team is responsible for tracking, organizing and reporting on all financial activities and storing this data for future reference. This data can help them find better ways of financially running the organisation. Weaknesses – Variables in costs for produce depending on time of year and certain promotions. Variables in labour as employees come and go, more staff required for busy times of the year (holidays). Opportunities – With the support they provide and the low start-up costs they offer with their franchises, they can attract more buyers and expand the Subway chain even further. Threats – Price fluctuations, for example oil, can dramatically threaten Subway’s financials as consumers will have lower disposable incomes which will stop them from freely spending their money. 5. Information Systems Strengths – Subway has a loyalty card system which they use to gather information on their customers. Each card has a unique 16-digit identification number. The card enables Subway to collect data on its customers from its point-of-sale (POS) terminals to its CRM applications. Weaknesses – The first loyalty card they developed was easily copied. Opportunities – To introduce this card throughout all Subway stores so they can collect a larger amount of data for their information system. Threats – Without security measures in place with their loyalty cards people could produce fraudulent cards to receive rewards from the company. External Environment Customers Strengths – Subway already has a strong client base because of their fresh and more nutritious products. These factors appeal to the customers. Weaknesses – Customers do not always feel like healthy options and on occasions want a greasy alternative that Subway does not provide. Opportunities – Subway provides customers with the opportunity to provide feedback on their products and service. By doing this the customers have the opportunity to influence Subway’s decisions with how to do things better and to discover what products sell the best and what the customers like about the service they receive. Threats – Poor customer service is a major threat to any business that deals with customers. Subway, without its customers, would not be able to operate. Another threat is if negative feedback from customers is spread around then this could potentially stop customers from returning Suppliers Strengths – Subway sources as much produce as possible locally. They try to support their locally communities as much as possible. They source this produce from suppliers that share their commitment to social responsibility and sustainability. Weaknesses – Some suppliers can be unreliable and not provide stock when ordered. Opportunities – There are more opportunities to source more locally grown products and help support local businesses grow and stay in the market. Threats – The supplier may not have enough produce/stock to provide Subway at certain times and the supplier may think that the price they are receiving for their products is too low, causing them to refuse supply. Competitors Strengths – Largest fast food restaurant chain in the world by the number of outlets. Currently the Subway operates over 38,181 restaurants in 99 countries, more than McDonald’s or any other fast food chain operator. Weaknesses – Majority of Subway’s competitors offer cheaper meals than what Subway can, based on the price they purchase their products at. Opportunities – Subway has many competitors, so they need to stay innovative and keep their products on top of the others that are available. They have the opportunity to promote their products as healthy options and deep-fryer free compared to their competitors to encourage more sales. Threats – McDonald’s, Hungry Jacks and KFC are some of subways main competitors. These competitors all offer family meal deals and cheap snack sizes on their menu’s which makes them more appealing to consumers. Pressure Groups Strengths – Subway takes input from pressure groups and community members so they can improve the operations, products and service. Weaknesses – Subway cannot rely on the information that pressure groups provide them with as it does not always represent the majority. Opportunities – Pressure groups can be a huge opportunity for Subway to listen to their opinions and issues with the organisation and how the pressure groups think Subway can resolve these issues and develop their company to be more socially responsible. Threats – Pressure groups however can be a threat as they don’t always have the majorities input on these issues and are misrepresenting the whole community when the push their ideas and beliefs on Subway which can make other customers stop returning to purchase goods from them. Economic Strengths – Subway opens stores when the economy is doing well. By doing this they establish their presence in the demographic and build up a good amount of returning consumers. Weaknesses – Subway needs to have a contingency plan in place for when the economy in their area decreases. If they do not, potentially they will reduce in the amounts of sale because they cannot control consumers disposable incomes. Opportunities – When the economy is strong, consumers have higher disposable incomes. This give Subway the opportunity to slightly increase prices and promote their products more as consumers are more willing to spend money. Threats – Not all geographic areas have the same amount of disposable income and Subway needs to take this into consideration. In these areas Subway may need to offer special promotions or lower their prices to cater for this otherwise they will lose sales. Political Strengths – Subway follows and adheres to government legislation including the Fair Trading Act and policies relating to environmental conservation. Weaknesses – Each state has different standards and restrictions in place which means not every Subway store can fully operate the same. Opportunities – With these policies, it creates a safer work environment at Subway and helps them become innovative on how they can reduce their environmental footprint. Threats – If Subway does not follow these regulations on how they operate, produce and promote their products they can be fined hefty amounts of money or even closed down. Technological Strengths – As a global brand, Subway continues to make strides in sustainable packaging, and waste management as well as look for more efficient equipment and operational practices Weaknesses – Not all technology is good just because it is new. Subway needs to research thoroughly before investing in new technology to make sure that it operates with their commitments to a cleaner, healthier environment. Opportunities – To obtain newer technology and apply it in aspects of their business would be a big opportunity for Subway. Threats – Some local markets may not be ready for new technologies and don’t have a full understanding of how they work, therefore consumers not trusting or believing in the new technologies. Natural Environment Strengths – An organization cannot survive without the support of its environment. Subway takes in resources such as labor, money, and raw materials from outside its boundaries in the natural environment. Weaknesses – Subway cannot control the climate or the weather in the areas that have stores operating in. Opportunities – There are opportunities that arise depending on the weather. In the hotter season Subway can promote their salads more for a meal that is more refreshing in the heat. In the cooler seasons they should promote there â€Å"subs† toasted for something to warm the belly. Threats – Depending on locations some areas may experience unpredictable natural events like cyclones or tornados. These can cause a dramatic threat to Subway stores in areas where events like this occur as there can be damage to roads and buildings, no electricity and no stock or fresh produce from suppliers. Emerging Trends Strengths – Subway franchises are involved with the communities surrounding them so they are always aware of the current and emerging trends happening in their locations. Weaknesses – Subway cannot follow all emerging trends as there are too many and it would be too costly for them to do so. Opportunities – To expand their online ordering (catering for meetings/offices) to be made available for individuals to order and then pick it up, or start a delivery service. Threats – Often trends don’t last for long periods of time, making it costly for Subway. Conclusion As you can see from the above analysis, there are many different factors, both internal and external, that effect the organisation, Subway. There are many internal and external forces that Subway needs to consider and stay on top of so they do not fail. References MindTools. com, (2013). SWOT Analysis. Retrieved on 11 September 2013 from http://www. mindtools. com/pages/article/newTMC_05. htm#sthash. 86tx07Tn. dpuf SUBWAY (2013). Corporate Opportunities. Retrieved on 13 September 2013 from http://www. subway. com. au/info/franchise_information/corporate_opportunities/ Unknown Publisher, (2012). Evaluating the External Environment. Retrieved on 13 September 2013 from http://2012books. lardbucket. org/books/strategic-management-evaluation-and-execution/s07-evaluating-the-external-enviro. html

Sunday, September 15, 2019

An Epidemiology Of Two Diseases Health And Social Care Essay

Tuberculosis is an infective disease that is considered as one of the greatest slayer of all clip which is caused by bacteriums whose scientific name is Mycobacterium TB besides known as Koch ‘s B. Tuberculosis is characterized by the formation of tubercles on the lungs and other tissues of the organic structure. Harmonizing to the Health Protection Agency, TB normally causes disease in the lungs ( pneumonic ) , but can besides impact other parts of the organic structure ( extra-pulmonary ) . Merely the pneumonic signifier of TB disease is infective. Transmission occurs through coughing of infective droplets, and normally requires drawn-out close contact with an infective instance. Terbium is curable with a combination of specific antibiotics, but intervention must be continued for at least six months The Health Protection Agency is one of the bureaus that are involved in advancing the wellness of persons that are affected by the disease. The wellness protection bureau intends to advance the riddance of TB in England by the support of the National Health Services and the Department of Health by developing a BCG ( Bacillus Calmette-Guerin ) Immunisation Programme. The marks of this programme are the persons who are at great hazard of geting the disease such as babes and older peoples who are most likely easy affected by the disease. Lung malignant neoplastic disease is the most common malignant neoplastic disease in the universe but it is one of the most preventable types of malignant neoplastic disease. Nine out of 10 people who have lung malignant neoplastic disease are caused by smoking but some people who are non non-smokers are besides affected. Many people believed that lung malignant neoplastic disease can non be treated but it can merely by descrying its early marks such as relentless cough for two hebdomads, repeated chest infection, relentless thorax or shoulder strivings, weight loss, declining cough, and fatigue or loss of energy. On the study of BBC News Network UK, it says that West Scotland has the highest rate of people diagnosed with lung malignant neoplastic disease than those people populating in the remainder of United Kingdom because smoking rates are 5 % higher in Scotland than the remainder of the UK, said Professor David Forman of Leeds University. The National wellness services said that the most effectual manner of forestalling lung malignant neoplastic disease is to non smoke or if you have been smoking and have serious wellness conditions better quit smoking every bit early as possible. In order to understate the rate of lung malignant neoplastic disease in the state the National Health Services have come up with a programme called, Go Smoke Free Programme, this programme is intended to assist those people to discontinue smoke and it besides provides free group or one on one support from trained advisers, and entree to four hebdomads nicotine replacing therapy. It is besides suggested by the National Health Services that a diet rich in fruits and veggies and regular exercising can cut down the hazard of holding lung malignant neoplastic disease ( http: // ) .Epidemiology OF THE TWO DISEASES:TUBERCULOSIS EPIDEMIOLOGYFigure 1. Tuberculosis instance studies and rate s by age group and sex, UK, 2008hypertext transfer protocol: // & A ; HPAwebStandard/HPAweb_C/1225268898745 The figure shows the instances of TB by rate and age of male and female in the United Kingdom by the twelvemonth 2008. It is noticeable in the graph that between the ages zero to twenty nine the instances of TB is bit by bit increasing. It besides shows that from the ages runing from 0-4, 10-14, and 15-19 the figure of female instances are higher than the figure of male instances which indicates that these age groups are easy transmitted by TB but it shows that the lowest instance of TB is from the age of 90 and above because nowadays lifetime alterations and there are few who are able to last at this age. From ages between 30-89 old ages old the Numberss of male and female instances of TB were diminishing from about 680 instances down to 5 Numberss of instances. In footings of rate, the figure shows that the highest rates were in immature grownups and these rates shows that males are more prone to TB than females. Higher rates were besides seen in persons aged 75-90 old ages because that at this age their immune system is weaker than the younger aged that is why the disease can be easy transmitted.LUNG CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGYhypertext transfer protocol: // The figure shows the Numberss of new instances and age specific incidence rate between male and female diagnosed with lung malignant neoplastic disease in the UK in the twelvemonth 2006. Lung malignant neoplastic disease is seldom diagnosed below 30 old ages of age. The figure shows that get downing from the age of 40 until the age of 70 nine the figure of instances between male and female diagnosed with lung malignant neoplastic disease are invariably increasing as the figure of rate in male and female per 100,000 population additions but at the age between 79-85 the figure of instances were diminishing from about 4,500 instances to 2,000 instances. It is besides noticed in the figure that the figure of instances and rate of people diagnosed with lung malignant neoplastic disease are higher in male than in female of all age groups.APPROACHES AND STRATEGIESTobacco is the individual largest preventable cause of malignant neoplastic disease in the universe today. It causes 80 %  œ 90 % of all lung malignant neoplastic disease deceases and about 30 % of all malignant neoplastic disease deceases in the development states. A comprehensive scheme including prohibitions on baccy merchandises, advertisement and sponsorship, increased revenue enhancement on baccy merchandises and surcease programmes can cut down baccy ingestion in many states. In Addition, In order to understate the rate of incidence of lung malignant neoplastic disease in the state it is besides of import that wellness professionals would inform the people in the community about the side consequence of smoking to the wellness and good being of single such as developing tummy ulcers, decreased circulation of blood flow to the appendages like the fingers and toes, the hazard of developing upper respiratory piece of land infections would be increased, and developing different sorts of malignant neoplastic diseases. Another important attack to command the incidence of increasing rate of malignant neoplastic disease more specifically lung malignant neoplastic disease is the alteration of diet. Low fat high fiber diet can assist cut down the hazard of developing certain sorts of malignant neoplastic disease. Regular exercising and care of normal organic structure weight along with a healthy diet will assist understate the happening of malignant neoplastic disease. National policies and programmes should besides be implemented to raise consciousness and cut down exposure to malignant neoplastic disease hazard factors that people are provided with the information and back up them in order to follow a healthy life style.INVESTIGATE CURRENT PRIORITIES AND APPROACHES TO THE PROVISION OF SERVICESSince smoke is one of the major causes of lung malignant neoplastic disease and it is evitable the National Health Services developed a programme called â€Å" Go Smoke Free † Programme, this programme he lps persons who are tobacco users to actuate themselves to discontinue smoke by supplying one to one or group support. The â€Å" Go Smoke Free † Programme identifies the benefits of non smoking and helps people in bettering their wellness like cut downing the hazard of certain unwellness, disablement or disease caused by malignant neoplastic disease, bosom disease, and lung diseases ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) .

Discrimination and Children Essay

This Act was put in place to protect individuals so they will not be discriminated against age, gender, disability, race, religion, sex, civil partnership, sexual orientation. We must give a child an equal chance to participate and make appropriate resources available to reach their full potential. Children are unique individuals and have the right to be treated fairly with equal respect. Disability Discrimination Act 1995-2005 When children with disabilities are discriminated against this causes them to loose confidence and are made to feel isolated. This policy was put in place to protect them for being disadvantaged. They should not be treated less favourably that non-disabled student without justification. They are entitled to have adjustment made for the purpose of education and association. 2.3 Evaluate how own attitudes, values and behaviour could impact on work with children and people. In my setting, at Al-Ameen primary school every one has their own values and opinions but share the same belief and this is vital in making personalities. However as professionals working with children we must have a diverse approach. I never make sudden judgement on people or children. I am placid natured so I give children time to shine through and understand the objective. I present myself as a positive role model. As a professional working with children it is important that our attitude reflect our opinion and Children pray after lunchtime and I as a TA I supervise the children when they pray. However I don’t pray at that time so I never discourage them, they choose to for themselves to participate. That is their opinion and belief as an individual. It is also important I do not let my own personal opinion have an impact on the child’s judgment. 2.4 Explain how to promote anti discriminatory practice in work with children and young people. At my setting we have children from different backgrounds and cultures. In every day practice and to avoid anti discrimination we must show interest in learning about other cultures, lifestyles and work on building positive relationships. We also have a student from France who has a language barrier so I would recognise this and make provisions so that he/she is not discriminated in any way such as helping the children to write or draw in their books. Speak slowly, or use French words. When I started in year three I noticed some children were struggling with thick pencil so I made the teacher aware of this and changed to thin pencil and now we notice children enjoy writing. Moving the tables around to give children easy access. Moving the children closer to the board or reading out the questions. I would give some children extra time to complete the set task. This would ensure all children hav e the same opportunity to learn and be included in all aspects of school life. 2.5 Explain how to challenge discrimination The discrimination must always be challenged, according to the school policies, this is done through the behaviour policy, equal opportunity or Anti-bulling policy. Staff must follow the policies and procedures in place for discrimination. It has to be dealt with immediately. This may need to be recorded in a incident book. The discriminatory behaviour and comments may also need to be recorded. Sometimes children may say something without understanding the implication of their comments in such cases they must be made aware that such comments would be reported. They should be reminded that everyone in the school should be treated fairly and respectfully. If I heard a white girl making comments to a black girl such as† you can’t be queen you are black†. I would explain to that child that her remarks are hurtful and that every one has the right to be treated fairly so you should not judge people by the colour of their skin. Three boys tell a girl â€Å"you can’t help build the wall it’s men’s work†. As a TA I would go and talk to the three boys by asking why they think that and where they heard it . I would tell them that every one should be treated equally weather they are a boy or girl because we can all do the same job. Eg. Your mum cooks and she is a women but when you go to restaurants why are there men who are chefs. When you go to hospital there are men who are nurses. 2.1 Explain ways in which children and young people can experience prejudice and discrimination There are many different ways in which children and young people can experience prejudice and discrimination at school. One way might be trying to fit in with the expected appearances and behaviour. They may face discrimination or even be bullied. If a child is deprived of basic necessities like not having the enough food, looking untidy, not correct school uniform then this could lead to the child being discriminated against by other children. Some children may face sexism because boys may not include girls in certain activities eg. When a boy’s play with ball they think girls do not play with a ball. Children from other cultural backgrounds may not play with other children because they should only play with children from same background. Children with disabilities may not be involved in an activity with other children that could mean they have been discriminated against.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Leadership and Organizational

I. Introduction The Housing Authority was created to provide safe and sanitary housing for low income families. The position of an area clerk is to provide administrative support to the property manager and maintenance staff so that their focus would be on the development and the residents. The lack of maintenance professions motivation and effort to complete work assignments efficiently has caused issues in our developments. Public housing was established through the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 to provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Public housing comes in all sizes and types, from scattered single family houses to high-rise apartments for elderly families. There are approximately 1.3 million households living in public housing units, managed by some 3,300 HAs. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administers Federal aid to local housing agencies (HAs) that manage the housing for low-income residents at rents they can afford. HUD furnishes technical and professional assistance in planning, developing and managing these developments. II. How can we motivate our Maintenance professionals? Maintenance professionals are not completing their assignments efficiently. They are not organized and detailed when handing in work orders. Our backlog is always over 200 days old and is causing our development to be looked at by upper-management. We are not maintaining the property as well as providing sanitary housing to our residents. III. Analysis of the Problem? The lack of management to supervise and maintain regular performance meetings with maintenance so that they will no what they are needed to complete on a daily basis. The lack of performance appraisals and updates on performance has caused maintenance to feel that their work performance was not an important role in the organization. IV. Leadership and Organization behavior Concepts We as an organization need to learn how to be effective managers and leaders. â€Å"Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish and objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent†. (Don Clark, 2010) In order for us to recognize the differences in our organization we have to become effective team leaders. We have to recognize that having a team with a diverse group of people we gain information. Stated in our class text, â€Å"†¦Membership diversity offers a rich pool of information, talent, and varied perspectives that can improve team problem solving and increased creativity.† (John Wiley & Sons, 2008) Leading to the increase in employee productivity and the increase in employee morale. V. Solutions and Alternatives to the Problem There are three possible solutions that Jane may choose to implement in the organization. They are employee recognition programs, Incentive programs, and Weekly team meetings. We chose to use Employee recognition programs to further motivate our maintenance professionals. We will implement an employee newsletter stating the employees that are receiving recognition for efforts about the job. Also, there will be award ceremonies where employees will be given awards for the best development or most improved development. VI. Reflection An organization can only develop a group if their team of employees’ work hard. We all play a role in the organization. Everything is handled by maintenance they manage the site and now what is going on with our residents. They are ones outside dealing with everything without them we will have no source of the issues we face with our residents (crime, sub leasing, etc.) We should recognize their efforts and bring their morale up so that they could be motivated to do their job and we can work as a more cohesive team. Reference

Friday, September 13, 2019

Issues-Long Hours vs. Meeting Customer Needs Assignment

Issues-Long Hours vs. Meeting Customer Needs - Assignment Example What she doesn’t see is a number of personnel, management, leadership, communication and training problems that Frame It is beset with at the present. If she is not careful, this could spell disaster and even possible closure for the business, so it is better that she take note and do something like getting professional help to sort out these myriad problems. To this end, she has finally recognized the serious nature of the various issues that face the business and is prepared to hire a Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour expert to take charge of the present situation and handle it as best he can so that all the issues are sorted out and the business can resume with renewed vigour and success. I am the Human Resources and Organization Behaviour expert who was called in to review and handle the situation and am soon due to meet the CEO giving her my points of view on the current situation and what needs to be done to set it right. I might add that Fran is prepared to give me considerable authority and responsibility so that the situation is handled in the best possible manner and with a minimum of interference from other staff or management. The remaining parts of this report will discuss the present scenario, the various aspects that need to be handled and how the situation can be set right again to the satisfaction of both employees and management. From the available facts recounted in the case, it is evident that there is trouble brewing up between management and employees. For one thing, the long hours, lower pay, lack of training and absence of motivational factors have frustrated the employees. The authoritarian attitude of the CEO does not help the situation, and that is why she has called in a Human Resources and organization Behaviour expert to handle the situation. It was one of the best things she could do under the circumstances.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

International Sales Contracts & Carriage of Goods by Sea Essay

International Sales Contracts & Carriage of Goods by Sea - Essay Example This essay will dwell on two terms of sale: the CIF and FOB. It will discuss their distinction and how Incoterms 2010 affected these terms of sale. It will attempt to find out which of these two terms is viable to the 21st century traders. C.I.F and F.O.B : Their Distinct Characteristic and how they work The terms C.I.F. and F.O.B are two abridged business terms. Both are used in international trade covered by carriage of goods by sea. The term C.I.F is an abbreviation of Cost, Insurance and Freight. If the Contract of Carriage contains price quotation on C.I.F, it presupposes that the seller will shoulder the payment of cost of crating and packaging, insurance and the freightage. Here, the carrier is considered an agent of the seller. The ownership of the goods is retained by the seller throughout the trip and passes to the buyer upon reaching the point of destination and the cargo is discharged in favor of the buyer.1 C.I.F requires the seller of the goods to arrange for the carria ge of goods by sea to a port of destination and provide the buyer the documents necessary to obtain the cargo from the carrier. 2 According to Villanueva the insurable interest is with the seller and the taxes are not due as the sale is deemed perfected only upon reaching point of destination.3 One of the significant features of a CIF contract lies in the performance of the bargain, which is to be fulfilled by the delivery of documents and not by actual physical delivery of goods or shipment by the seller according to the case of Manbre S. Co. Ltd. v Corn p. Co. Ltd. 4 The Term F.O. B. is the abbreviation of the terms of sale Free On Board. Here, if the contract of carriage contains price quotation with FOB, the seller is presumed to comply with the obligation to deliver the goods to the vessel. The one responsible for payment of the freightage is the buyer and the vessel or carrier is an agent of the buyer. Hence, delivery to the carrier is delivery to the buyer. Under this term, t he buyer acquires ownership over the goods upon delivery by the seller to the carrier. The buyer here now has insurable interest and the sale has been considered perfected upon delivery to the vessel.5 The term FOB, which is one of the popular commercial terms, is commonly used and misused. Though frequently used to describe inland movement of cargo, it is specifically refers to ocean or inland waterway transportation of goods. 6 In both CIF and FOB, there is intervention of the carrier. Both terms also use bill of lading, which is a document of title that denotes ownership of cargo or goods, which can only be transferred by endorsement. The carrier issues this document whenever the carrier ships merchandise, goods or cargo. 7 Responsibilities and Duties in CIF and FOB Contacts Compared One of the differences between the CIF Contracts and FOB Contracts lies in the following areas: In CIF, the insurable interest is with the seller while in FOB, the insurable interest is with the buye r. Another important difference between FOB and CIF contract is that, FOB contract specifies the port of loading, however CIF contract specifies the port of arrival.8 The difference between the two terms of sale pertains to the rights and duties of the seller and buyer. The primary duty of the seller in FOB contract is loading. 9 And the buyer specifies the vessel on a port nominated by the buyer and on which the goods are to be

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

A Competency Based, Critical Review of Leadership and Management in My Essay

A Competency Based, Critical Review of Leadership and Management in My Work Organisation - Essay Example The report highlights the key learning points in these two management perspectives and evaluates their role and impact on project outcomes. Specify what you have learnt from the experience in your chosen management competences A key aspect driving the success of any enterprise is its leadership capabilities and competencies of the workforce that contribute to the realization of defined goals and objectives (Deresky, 2006). During the course of our leading and management program, I learnt the significance of individual leadership and motivation in accomplishing task goals and objectives. The theoretical aspects of our course familiarized me to the conceptual frameworks and evidences that drive individual performance in teams and factors that contribute to the efficiency of workforce. While this provided a foundation for our learning process, it was the live project work and assignment that helped me realize my individual strengths and shortcomings in my role as team-player. I came up with the idea of launching innovative training videos and online application tools through OIT (Oxford Information Training). The team was responsible for conceptualizing and framing the company’s product design, framing its marketing and financial strategies to give a distinct shape and direction to OIT’s goals and objectives. The team began with allocating roles and responsibilities to achieve this. The whole exercise provided us with new learning experience and it helped us in recognizing our potentials and limitations in our role as team players and leadership capabilities. The project highlighted my abilities in leading and managing my team members through various tasks and responsibilities. The 8 week exercise began with the conceptualization of the project idea and the key aspects that needed to be fulfilled in order to present that idea as viable and feasible to other teams. The idea to promote our company and its services on facebook was mine and the fact that others accepted it and appreciated it was a big source of motivation for me. Theoretical evidences have claimed that a true leader is one who can inspire and motivate others to adopt a single path that leads to goal fulfilment (Maxwell, 2008). I have managed to guide my team members through role allocation and delegation of tasks, besides helping them through task execution and collaborating potential issues that might have ruined the success prospects. Motivation is yet another aspect driving the performance of teams and their willingness to give their best in order to achieve the defined goals and targets (Adair, 2007). Motivation seemed lacking in some cases in our team since few members were unwilling to take certain roles and responsibilities. However, this was easily overcome with more team discussions that helped in motivating the team members to assume their roles and responsibilities. Moreover, motivation in teams, as I strongly experienced during this project contributed to creative ideas and innovative thoughts that can make the difference between success and failure of projects. The product concept involved my idea of producing a video for recruiting staff in organizations. A key aspect to be incorporated in this video was a mock interview (my idea) that will focus on dealing with inter-cultural workforce needs and behavioural forms during interviews. DeCarlo (2010) in his works on leadership and motivation identified four principles using motivation to guide innovative practices at workplace – initiating change, developing people’s desire to make a difference, creating ownership for results, and monitoring results for continued effectiveness. Motivation thus can contribute to combined efficiency at workplace and generate innovative ideas for effective results

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Car Difting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Car Difting - Essay Example I am fascinated by high speed endeavors; high speed car drifting is one of them, though not very many people like or approve it. Car drifting improves my abilities to concentrate and control. I like car drifting because of a host of reasons. Since I was born, I have always liked to express myself in motorsports. I have watched racing movies and racing competitions for so long. I wished time would come when I get to position myself at the steering wheel and maneuver through corners at speeds not many people would dare. When I finally got a car that could enable me to drift with the least negative consequences, I made car drifting a routine activity. My liking is so great that I am willing to overlook the costs of burned tires and damaged car parts. Though it is an extremely dangerous and costly affair, I am always thrilled to step in the car and drift my way around corners or other bent parts of the road. I also like drifting because of it, I have leant many drifting techniques and the physics of racing. The feeling I get when adrenaline is rushing through my blood is great. I’ve always wanted to be in control. I like control that comes from concentrating on a particular activity. Once I realized that car drifting improves my levels of concentration and helps me gain a lot of control in driving, I have never been detached from it. This, among other aforementioned reasons is why I like car drifting even if it is dangerous and non-appealing to the majority of the population. It is clear to me that I not only get thrilled by car drifting, but also learn to control and concentrate. Quite frankly, my judgment derived from car drifting enables me to control other vehicles despite the terrain. I can have my way with many cars as a result of my liking for car drifting. Evidently, my liking for car drifting surpasses the consideration for negative effects of car drifting. This is

Monday, September 9, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Research Paper Example Lamb wave based SHM however relies on wave propagation, offers characteristics of efficiency and convenience and this study seeks to investigate its application. The study is significant to structural health monitoring and involved stakeholders to monitoring processes because it seeks to validate a convenient and cheaper monitoring approach towards higher survivability of structures. The study aims at investigating feasibility of application of 3D laser vibrometer in conjunction with Lamb wave technique. This will incorporate literature review, implementation of experimental and specimen design, measurement of scattering waves on used structures, and analysis of results. Numerical approach was used to investigate robustness of the lamb wave model. A validated simulation study was done using ANSYS program to study propagation and scattering of waves and an experiment to investigate propagation and scattering of waves was done on aluminium specimens with the aid of 3D vibrometer. The s imulation and the experiment identified effects of a blind hole on wave propagation and scattering. Validation of the simulation demonstrated point differences in propagation and scattering relative to position of a blind hole. ... Its significance has grown among engineers because of its ability to generate timely and accurate data on health and functionality of structures, properties that allows it to ameliorate maintainability and safety concerns (Staszewski et al. 2004). The monitoring approach detects anomalies, specifies anomalies’ exact location, and evaluates damage extent towards corrective measures, a scope that offers economic, and safety advantages. Other applications of SHM include mitigation of uncertainty, planning for schedule activities, and test of hypothesis. There are three theoretical SHN techniques, visual inspection, traditional non-destructive evaluation methods, and remote monitoring. Visual inspection involves inspection by experienced and trained personnel while traditional non-destructive evaluation applies wave propagation approaches for defect detection. The approaches are however expensive, labour intensive and complicated while remote monitoring is automated and autonomous , only requiring attention on critical conditions (Thomas et al. 2009). Lamb waves for remote monitoring, for instance, only rely on wave propagation but instrumentation and interpretation needs hinder its efficiency (Franco et al. 2008). Lamb-wave based SHM efficient and convenient for detecting metallic structure cracks and delamination and disbanding of composites (Ong and Chiu 2012). Significance The study is significant to structural health monitoring as it proposes a cheap and convenient monitoring strategy that will facilitate regular inspection for damage detection and remedies. This scope extends the study’s significance to stakeholders to monitoring processes because validating the lamb wave based method will ensure the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Luminultra company Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Luminultra company - Assignment Example stomer traction for LuminUltra technologies may involve internet-marketing techniques such as search engine optimization that is aimed at the targeted segments of the market. This should involve strong highlights of the comparative advantage of these technologies and their levels of effectiveness in providing business solutions across the different categories of the market where they are applicable. Some of the strong selling points that could help in gaining customer traction include the factors of speed, accuracy, and completeness in the process of determining microbiological activity (LuminUltra Technologies, 2004). These attributes should be highlighted in form of providing solutions to challenges associated with alternative forms of technology that operate within the same line of business. For instance, the company should impress on the customers the value of speed and effectiveness in minimizing the levels of risk while also reducing the costs that could have been incurred through alternative systems. Traction could also be gained by showcasing the different areas within which LuminUltra technologies apply. Generally, this could involve such areas as water treatment, biological wastewater treatment, chemical products, and industrial water products. Usually, many customers prefer relying on a single company for business solutions for the sake of convenience and consistency (Sandberg, 2008). In order to overcome the objections of the customers, it might be necessary to provide demonstrations and sufficient pieces of information that illustrate the efficiency in the mechanics involved. Further, the company could establish strategic partnerships with renowned service providers that operate in related, though not entirely similar line of business. Such strategies have proved efficient in winning the confidence of the markets for up-start businesses. Customer objections are usually based on the fear of the unknown. New technologies are often deemed disruptive to